Ordered disorder
November 03 —
January 03, 2022
Gosposka ulica 16
1000 Ljubljana
CURATORPiera Ravnikar

Eva Simonič
Mario Zupanov

            The exhibition Ordered Disorder, which Sara Rman presents for the first time at R SPACE, is only a partial display of her ongoing research project with the same title. The essence of the series of works that the artist has been developing and evolving since 2018 is that a single artwork is never completed or is only completed to a certain point – that point usually being an exhibition, which is just one of many possible presentations of the artist's production at any given time. In fact, the artworks will "go on", change and most likely come back to life after the exhibition is over. In this way, completely new works can be discerned in the dynamic spatial installation, to which the artist also adds transformed older works.

            Playing with materials, manipulating them and testing their limits is the basic premise of the artist's creative process. Often playful, experimental and using various interventions in the medium to explore the boundaries and enter the field of different techniques, the photographer approaches her work unencumbered by the end result. The exploration of different materials and their potential as self-sufficient and sovereign elements remains at the centre of the artist's creative methods; she subjects the material to extreme conditions, either by burning it with fire or treating it with chemicals in such a way that it changes its original form and also loses its original function in the process. Thus, burnt photographic film is no longer the bearer of the image but an object torn out of its original context. In a world of increasingly popular digitised art and the monotonous, simplistic advertising photos that accompany us at every turn, the artist draws attention to the physical aspects of the artwork, its material, sensorial properties, and the real space it occupies. Last but not least, she is also interested in the effect that her unexpected (perhaps uncomfortable) intervention in the material and the function primarily attributed to it will have on the viewer.

          R SPACE, a new artistic initiative of RAVNIKAR GALLERY SPACE, was launched in collaboration with ZRC SAZU and is aimed at the youngest generation of artists who present themselves mainly in the mediums of painting, drawing and sculpture in all its dimensions and forms.

            Sara Rman (1992) is currently completing her master's degree after graduating in Photography from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design at the University of Ljubljana. In 2017, she received the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award for her final thesis Free Spirit of Time. Her work has been shown in group exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad: Glass Ceiling (Extended gallery, Komuna cinema arcade, Ljubljana, 2021), Under Pressure (Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, 2020), Self-Development (Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana, 2019), Eat this! (Račka Gallery, Celje, 2019), Haunted House of Horror (London, UK), Retro (Košice Photofest, Slovakia), After all (Krakow, Poland).